Shiva Aahvaan Mantra

Shiva Aahvaan Mantra (शिव आह्वान मंत्र) 

Lord Shiva, the supreme deity in Hinduism, is revered as the destroyer and transformer of the universe. He is the embodiment of both the ascetic and the cosmic dancer, representing the endless cycle of creation, preservation, and dissolution. His name invokes a deep sense of reverence and peace, bringing both strength and surrender to the hearts of his devotees.

Among the many mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva, the Shiva Aahvaan Mantra stands out as a powerful invocation. This mantra is often used by devotees to invite the divine presence of Lord Shiva into their lives, particularly during spiritual practices, rituals, or moments of meditation. Through the recitation of this mantra, the devotee calls upon Shiva to bestow his blessings of peace, protection, and wisdom.

The Power of Invocation

In spiritual traditions, the act of invoking a deity is not just about seeking blessings but also about creating a sacred space where the divine energy can flow freely. The Shiva Aahvaan Mantra is a means of inviting Lord Shiva into one’s life, body, and mind. The very utterance of this sacred chant is believed to purify the space, dispel negative energies, and prepare the devotee for deeper spiritual realizations.

The essence of the Shiva Aahvaan Mantra lies in its vibration, which resonates with the cosmic frequencies that govern the universe. Lord Shiva, often depicted in meditation or in a state of deep contemplation, symbolizes the highest consciousness. When we invoke him through this mantra, we align ourselves with that very consciousness, thereby fostering inner peace and spiritual growth.

Shiv Aavahan Mantra in Sanskrit/Hindi

৷৷ शिव आवाहन मंत्र ৷৷

ॐ मृत्युंजय परेशान जगदाभयनाशन ।
तव ध्यानेन देवेश मृत्युप्राप्नोति जीवती ৷৷

हे मृत्युंजय (मृत्यु को जीतने वाले), हे परेशानियों को दूर करने वाले, और जगत के भय को नष्ट करने वाले देवेश! जो भी आपके ध्यान में लीन होता है, वह मृत्यु को प्राप्त करके भी जीवित रहता है।


वन्दे ईशान देवाय नमस्तस्मै पिनाकिने ।
आदिमध्यांत रूपाय मृत्युनाशं करोतु मे ৷৷

मैं ईशान (शिव) देवता को वंदन करता हूँ, और उस पिनाकधारी (धनुष पिनाक को धारण करने वाले) को नमस्कार करता हूँ। जो आदि, मध्य और अंत के रूप में स्थित हैं, वे मुझे मृत्यु के भय से मुक्त करें।


नमस्तस्मै भगवते कैलासाचल वासिने ।
नमोब्रह्मेन्द्र रूपाय मृत्युनाशं करोतु मे ৷৷

मैं उस भगवान को नमस्कार है, जो कैलाश पर्वत पर वास करते हैं। ब्रह्मा और इन्द्र के रूप वाले भगवान को नमस्कार है, वे मुझे मृत्यु के भय से मुक्त करें।


त्र्यंबकाय नमस्तुभ्यं पंचस्याय नमोनमः ।
नमो दोर्दण्डचापाय मम मृत्युम् विनाशय ৷৷

त्र्यंबक (तीन नेत्रों वाले) भगवान को नमस्कार है, पाँच मुखों वाले भगवान को बार-बार नमस्कार है। दो भुजाओं में डंड और धनुष धारण करने वाले भगवान को नमस्कार है, मेरी मृत्यु का नाश करें।


नमोर्धेन्दु स्वरूपाय नमो दिग्वसनाय च ।
नमो भक्तार्ति हन्त्रे च मम मृत्युं विनाशय ৷৷

जो अर्धचंद्र को अपने मस्तक पर धारण करते हैं, उन्हें नमस्कार है। जो दिगंबर (दिशाओं को वस्त्र के रूप में धारण करने वाले) हैं, उन्हें नमस्कार है। जो भक्तों की पीड़ा का हरण करते हैं, उन्हें नमस्कार है। कृपया मेरी मृत्यु का नाश करें।


देवं मृत्युविनाशनं भयहरं साम्राज्य मुक्ति प्रदम् ।
नाना भूतगणान्वितं दिवि पदैः देवैः सदा सेवितम् ৷৷

वह देवता मृत्यु को नष्ट करने वाले, भय को हरने वाले, और साम्राज्य की मुक्ति प्रदान करने वाले हैं। विभिन्न भूतगणों द्वारा सज्जित और दिव्य पदों पर देवताओं द्वारा दिव्य लोकों में सदा सेवित होते हैं।


अज्ञानान्धकनाशनं शुभकरं विध्यासु सौख्य प्रदम् ।
सर्व सर्वपति महेश्वर हरं मृत्युंजय भावये ৷৷

जो अज्ञान के अंधकार को नष्ट करते हैं, जो शुभ फल देने वाले हैं, जो विधियों में सुख प्रदान करते हैं; सर्वव्यापी महेश्वर (शिव) को, जो हर चीज के रक्षक हैं, मैं मृत्युंजय (मृत्यु को जीतने वाले) की आराधना करता हूँ।

इति श्री शिव आवाहन मंत्र सम्पूर्ण ৷৷

Benefits of Chanting the Shiva Aahvaan Mantra

The Shiva Aahvaan Mantra is not only a call for Lord Shiva’s blessings but also a means of spiritual transformation. Some of the profound benefits of chanting this mantra include:

1. Purification of Mind and Heart

The rhythmic repetition of this mantra helps clear mental clutter, purifying the mind and emotions. By invoking Shiva’s energy, the mantra transforms negative thoughts, fears, and attachments into clarity and peace.

2. Protection from Negative Energies

Lord Shiva is known as the supreme protector. Chanting the Shiva Aahvaan Mantra is believed to shield the devotee from harmful influences, negative energies, and obstacles in life, offering divine protection.

3. Spiritual Growth and Self-Realization

Shiva, as the embodiment of the highest consciousness, is associated with deep wisdom and inner awakening. Regular recitation of this mantra helps cultivate awareness, compassion, and understanding, facilitating the journey toward self-realization.

4. Emotional Healing

The vibrations created by the Shiva Aahvaan Mantra help heal emotional wounds and bring stability to the mind. Shiva’s grace is said to bring balance in times of emotional turbulence and provide the strength needed to overcome personal challenges.

5. Harmonizing with the Cosmic Energy

The sound of the mantra resonates with the cosmic energy that sustains the universe. As you chant it, you harmonize yourself with this divine force, aligning your soul with the rhythm of the cosmos. This alignment brings a sense of unity, purpose, and peace.

6. Auspiciousness and Prosperity

Shiva is not only a destroyer but also a creator of new beginnings. The mantra invites auspiciousness and blessings into your life, helping you overcome obstacles and prosper in both material and spiritual pursuits.

7. Overcoming Fear and Doubt

Shiva is often depicted as the one who conquers fear, especially the fear of death. Chanting the Shiva Aahvaan Mantra helps overcome existential fears and doubts, fostering a deeper connection to life’s eternal truths.


The Shiva Aahvaan Mantra is a powerful tool for those seeking Lord Shiva’s grace, whether they are looking for peace, protection, or spiritual enlightenment. By invoking Lord Shiva through this mantra, we invite his transformative energy into our lives, purifying our hearts and minds. As we chant this sacred mantra, we align ourselves with the cosmic rhythm, tapping into the divine flow of wisdom, auspiciousness, and inner peace.

May the blessings of Lord Shiva be with you always, guiding you toward a life of harmony, fulfillment, and spiritual awakening. You can also chant Veerabhadra Stotram which is dedicated to Veerabhadra, a fierce & powerful manifestation of Lord Shiva. 

Om Namah Shivaya!

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Shiva Aahvaan Mantra

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